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When time for self-care seems elusive

Do you feel that you need a Reiki treatment, but you cannot find the time? I know how you feel.

Over the years I have worked all sorts of jobs including weekends and shift work – when I was a nurse, when I ran events, when I managed Farmers’ Markets. So many times when, time for myself felt elusive.

I have also worked Monday to Friday 9-5 in many different careers. And I know how difficult self-care can be. You work 9-5, the agency is open 9-5 and you have parenting/caring obligations as well.

I try to be accessible as possible, while also looking after my own self-care. My usual hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – 10-6; closed on Wednesdays; and weekends 10-2.  But I also try to be as flexible as possible to make sure that you can get a treatment when you need one.

I have a client who travels quite a distance to see me on a regular basis. She wanted to book some appointments in advance and mentioned that Wednesday was the best day for her because she has to travel close to where my studio is on Wednesdays anyway. I told her that I was happy to fit her in on a Wednesday. When we started to talk about times it became clear that she needed an early appointment: Done! 8.30am on a Wednesday morning – that meant that I still had the whole day ahead of me.

I am conscious of needing to take care of myself, while being available for those who need a Reiki treatment but cannot find the time. There are days when I do not have clients booked in, and days when I do, but I also have time between clients to rest and do my own self-care.

If you would like a Reiki treatment, but not sure how to fit it in, Contact me and I will be only too glad to help you if I can.