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Animal Communication
Noelene has been an animal lover all of her life and looking back, communication with her beloved pets came easily. The decision to learn how to communicate with all domestic animals, not just those that she knew and loved in her own home was life changing. A trip to America for a seven day module was followed by almost two years of online classes, intensives and more than 200 case studies. These studies included energy healing for animals – something that goes hand in hand with communication.
The communication itself is done through telepathy and intuition, (images, thoughts, feelings, emotions, words), always using respect and compassion.
During studies, I had the absolute privilege of communicating with countless dogs, cats, some horses, a Gibbon, a fish, a racoon, a squirrel and many more exotic and domestic animals. Since then, I have gone on to communicate with animals who are in transition to death and their people want to know if the time is right and if anything is needed before hands, with animals who have already died and their people want to know that they are OK and that the time was right for the animal, dogs, cats and horses who are in pain, whose behaviour or circumstances have changed and their people want to know what is going on or to explain a planned or a change that is already in place, many people who want to make sure that their beloved pet is happy.
The benefits include:
- Increased bond
- Improved relationships between pet and family
- Better understanding of health issues
- The pet feels heard and understood
- Bereavement support before and after death
This work is my passion and I am grateful for every opportunity I have to carry out the communication and relay it to the people in the animal’s life.
How it works
Initially you book a consultation where Noelene will ask for some information about your animal to help when she conducts her communication session.
Information required about the animal includes:
- Their name
- Their age
- How long they have lived with you
- Who else lives in the household (people and pets)
- Any particular questions that you have for the pet
- Noelene will ask you to send a photo of the animal, preferably one where she can clearly see eyes (as clear a photo as possible).
Once Noelene has communicated with them she will organise a Zoom session to let you know the information she received.
Heart Centred connecting with pets
Pets approaching death
Pets in spirit
Missing pets
Step 1: Pay for your animal communication session
Step 2: Use the link below to book a session for Noelene to gain the information needed for the reading.
Step 3: Noelene will connect to your animal
Step 4: Noelene organises a Zoom session to let you know the information she received.
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