Thank goodness for counting blessings. Helps me not to be a miserable sod.

I am sitting on my couch, wrapped in a blanket, nodding off while watching the New Zealand Reiki Conference on ZOOM. I am supposed to be there in person, not watching from a distance of more than 4,000 kilometres away.

Something that I have been looking forward to (as well as catching up with good friends who live in NZ) for a while. I am not sure how I feel. Disappointed sure, not as invested in the conference online as I would be if I was there, (I try to be though, I think that feeling sleepy in the aftermath of COVID is most responsible for this).

But, oh how I loved the first Reiki of the day with a virtual room of people. How I enjoyed the presentation by Pamela Miles from her New York home, a far greater distance for her than me.

I have stopped watching for a while to take a walk in the drizzly fresh air. This is such a good lesson for me in ‘count your blessings’ (better health now, access to ZOOM and the Internet, friends who rally when needed, Victoria’s online medical support, fabulous paramedics and Reiki!)

This weekend, I will join as much as the conference that I can. I will reschedule the workshop that I had to cancel and, I will rejoice in feeling SO much better than I did this time last week. How often do you reflect and count your blessings?

When I look to my left, I feel pretty lucky

When I look to the right, more reasons to count my blessings