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Black cat lost in bushes in the dark

Missing a Pet? Call an Animal Communicator!

I have had many jobs and several career changes in my lifetime and it is my current career that I am happier than I have ever been. Reiki, Animal Communication and Energy Healing for animals. All things that give me immense joy.

There are many reasons that people come to me to request an animal communication service: their pet’s behaviour has changed – a dog has started barking, or is suddenly frightened; a cat has started toileting in the house and not in the litter tray; their life situation has changed – adoption, change of address, a beloved child has moved out to go to university, they appear to be feeling pain or discomfort, or the human wants to know if the animal is ready for transition.

Another reason to contact an animal communicator is when a pet has gone missing.

Communicating with lost animals can be really difficult. The pet is often frightened and after even a short time can revert to their primal state. Basic survival instincts take over -the need for food, water, shelter, and safety becomes their whole life.

I very recently had an opportunity to communicate with a cat who had been missing for 24 hours.

The first thing that the missing cat that I was communicating with did was show me an older man and woman looking over a fence. When I mentioned this to the cats human she said “YES! They are neighbours and just rang me to say that they are searching the area”. I could see that she was frightened, she was in a dark area and covered in cobwebs. A small black dog with piercing black eyes was looking at her and she was frightened of it.

Putting this information together, it seemed clear that she was close to home because she could see the neighbours; she was probably under a house or in a shed with lots of cobwebs; this, combined with the fact that the household had a small black dog that the cat was frightened of meant looking under their own house for the cat was the first order of business. They had not looked there because there is usually no access, but a tradesperson had visited recently leaving the door to the crawl space ajar allowing the cat access.

Searching for a lost pet does not always end so swiftly or with such a good outcome, but animal communication can make a difference to success in finding your beloved animal.

I hope that this never happens to you, but consider contacting an animal communicator if your pet goes missing.