Traditional USUI Reiki 2 Course

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

Purchase Your Ticket The decision to continue your Reiki journey by completing a Reiki 2 class is an exciting one. You develop more resources for your Reiki toolbox; you learn to more specifically direct Reiki energy; and learn the three Reiki symbols used in healing, meditation, and spiritual, mental, and emotional development. You leave this […]


Animal Reiki 1 Class (Not Attuned)

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

This course is a combination of Reiki 1 and Animal Reiki. On day 1 you learn to give yourself, your friends, and family Reiki. You are set for life with the best self-care technique imaginable.On day 2, you extend that knowledge and skill to the pets in your life.Every time I give an animal Reiki […]


Animal Reiki Workshop (Attuned)

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

My lifelong love for animals and my study of animal communication have brought great joy to my life.I was fortunate to grow up surrounded by horses, dogs, cats, cockatoos, Guinea pigs, farm animals and more.Every time I give an animal Reiki I have an intense feeling of love exchanged between us, which probably makes this […]


Reiki Master Teacher Training

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

You might think that becoming a Reiki Master is the culmination of hard work and dedication, and yes, hard work and dedication are involved, but becoming a Reiki Master is not an ending. It is the beginning of your path to personal and spiritual development and enlightenment. Of course, you were already on this journey, […]


Traditional USUI Reiki 1 Course

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

Learning Reiki 1 provides the opportunity to restore balance, reduce stress, get grounded and experience enhanced health. You get the gift of connecting to the flow of universal energy and with on-going practice you are likely to experience less anxiety, more energy, and feel a deep connection to source (or life more generally). By giving […]
