Animal Reiki Workshop (Attuned)


The world needs Reiki energy, as do wild, domestic and working animals. If you are already attuned to Reiki, chances are it was mentioned that Reiki is great for animals, and that was the extent of information that you were given on animal Reiki. This workshop has been created for those already attuned to Reiki who would like specific practice with animals along with the knowledge you need to give Reiki effectively such as animal Chakras, how to know when the animal has had enough and how to ensure that you can stay safe

Enrol now for early bird prices.


Learn animal reiki to help the pets in your life and community.

Increasingly, our pets are being medicated and becoming ill with traditionally human diseases and emotional issues.

Take advantage of animals’ high sensitivity to Reiki making it a very effective health and wellness tool.

The prerequisite to this one day workshop is that you are already attuned to any level of any Reiki lineage.

This weekend workshop focuses on:

  • animal chakras and energy system,
  • hand positions for animals,
  • safety issues
  • working with the animal’s guardian
  • practice  on animals

Enrol now for early bird prices.

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