Take care of the whole family this Christmas!

There are plenty of reasons to celebrate as we enter the festive season. We catch up with family and friends, some of us celebrate our religion, we eat delicious food, we give and receive gifts. That is some of us; perhaps many of us do. But there are people who look forward to Christmas with dread.

If our family relationships are tense, or nonexistent, if we are struggling financially, if we find large groups stressful – all reasons some of us might feel stressed, anxiety, and overwhelmed.

Reiki works on the emotional, spiritual, and physical body – it is really helpful for all the emotions that might come up leading up to and after Christmas.

If you can’t get to a Reiki, this article highlights some of the issues people face and provides tips to help deal with (or avoid) the pressure.

When we consider our own mental health, it is important that we remember the animals in our lives. Christmas and holiday periods have plenty of potential to create stress and anxiety in our animal friends. Large groups of people, noise, fireworks, children who are boisterous around animals, being sent to the boarding kennel, falling sick as a result of eating toxic food or food that they are unused to.

You can support your pet during this time in a number of ways,

  • Keep food out of reach, (many foods are toxic to pets)

  • Ensure that there is a safe and quiet space that they can access away from the crowd

  • It is a busy time leading up to Christmas, don’t let that interrupt their exercise routine

Reiki leading up to the festivities can help you and your pet, (I have done distant reiki for pets who are boarding kennels while their family is away and they noticed the difference that made to the animal).

We also offer Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as eft or tapping) to animals. This is an effective way to address emotional issues that the pet might have. Even long term emotional and behavioural issues can be sorted in one EFT session!

Above all, however you and your pets celebrate Christmas, I hope that you are safe and feel valued and loved.