I have a client with a standing monthly appointment, and we are due to see each other on Monday. Unfortunately, she has had an accident and she got in touch recently to let me know that she is receiving medical treatment and wondered if she should she put the Reiki off or go ahead.
Great question!
Reik and traditional medicine complement each other very well. The medical doctor will treat you according to your issue, and Reiki will not disturb that at all. However, it can help with pain relief, anxiety, inflammation, sleep, and other factors that are likely to appear after a serious accident.
Intention is one of the most important aspects of Reiki and a common Reiki intention (and one that I always use) is for the Reiki to work for the recipient’s highest good with harm to none.
So, rest assured that Reiki will not adversely affect your medical treatment, but will probably help you to be on your feet sooner and in higher spirits.