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This course is a combination of Reiki 1 and Animal Reiki. On day 1 you learn to give yourself, your friends, and family Reiki. You are set for life with the best self-care technique imaginable.

On day 2, you extend that knowledge and skill to the pets in your life.

Every time I give an animal Reiki there is an intense feeling of love exchanged between us, which probably makes this the best job in the world.

The ability to give your pet,  Reiki is an incredible feeling. 

Those attuned to Reiki can do the half-day Animal Reiki Workshop to build their knowledge and confidence. View Animal Reiki 1 Curriculum

Date May 3 -4, 2025 (until 28th April)

Cost: $360

Early Bird: $320          

In order to secure your place in this event you must purchase a ticket using this link.

Image with 4 frames - Heart Centred Logo, woman receiving reiki, woman looking at sunset with fingers in heart icon and youn woman looking refreshed after Reiki Ho'oponopopono chant I'm sorry, Please forgive me, thank you, I love you

Healing from Within: Heart Centred Reiki introduces a powerful new service that connects Reiki and Ho’oponopono

I have recently completed a Ho’opononopono Reiki Certification Program. This allows me to combine reiki with the healing power of forgiveness through the wisdom of Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian spiritual practice. Reiki and Ho’oponopono are both powerful healing practices and by combining them we create a synergy that enhances emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Both effective on their own, together they offer a holistic approach to clearing and balancing energy and releasing emotional blocks that contribute to stress and disharmony.

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pet funeral wtih dog collar on homemade cross

Heart Centred End of Life Pet Doula Services

Supporting Pet Loss with Compassion I recently became a certified End of Life Pet Doula and am thrilled to be offering end of life doula services for Pet Loss. Supporting pet loss with compassion What is a Death Doula for Animals? Losing a beloved pet is one of the most profound and heart-wrenching experiences a person can endure. Our animal companions are more than just pets—they are family, confidants, and sources of unconditional love. Yet, despite the deep emotional bond

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A person sitting on the floor with a Reiki attuned blanket over their knees

Reiki attuned blankets attuned to Reiki energy with love & peace to inspire well-being.

People are doing incredible things with Reiki in the community, in health-care institutions, and on the streets. One of my favourite projects is Project beamOn. beamON is a not-for-profit, founded in 2011 by Rose Weinberg to donate ‘Reiki Blankets’ to adults and children with cancer across the world. beamOn provide organic cotton blankets that have been attuned to Reiki energy with love & peace by volunteer Reiki Masters to inspire a sense of well-being. Reiki-blankets offer comfort and warmth to anyone

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My wish for 2025 for you is Feeling peace not pain Looking back with gratitude, not regret Accepting the past and staying confident in the present Ready to step boldly into what is ahead

Life Lessons of 2024 humbling and learning

What a year 2024 has been. Every year has its joys and challenges, and 2024 has been no different.  For me the year began with significantly more pain in an already compromised hip; a bush fire that saw me evacuate and some Heart Centred Reiki graduates impacted by losing their house. It is ending with a hip replacement in the new year and again fire, requiring me to evacuate twice with 2 pigs, 2 dogs and a pony. All putting

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Beautiful Wasabi laying on a pillow

Finding Wasabi

James Herriot says that the bond between an animal and a human is a sacred one, and when a pet is gone, a part of us goes with it. Given that, it is heartbreaking how many missing pets posts I see daily in local Facebook pages. Losing a pet, even for a short time can be devastating and those times when days pass and the pet hasn’t returned the impact on the family can be terrible. I had the great

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