You have experienced Reiki 1, and loved it.
What now?

What does a Reiki Level 2 course include? 

The Reiki 2 training and attunement focuses on more specifically directed use of the Reiki energy, particularly mental emotional healing and remote healing. Reiki 2 practitioners also have more tools for working with other people and for the world community.

In Reiki 2, we are taught and attuned to three Reiki symbols that are used in healing, meditation and for spiritual, mental and emotional development. These symbols help you to connect with and use the Reiki energy

 One of the symbols that you will be attuned to is used for remote, distant or absentee healing. The ability to use all the Reiki functions for hands off treatments from any distance at all. 

Similarly, you will learn how to send Reiki to more than one person at a time either in a room or at a distance. You are acting as a ground and conduit for Universal healing energy rather than using your own energy.

Building from Reiki 1, you will have more tools in your Reiki stockpile that you can use in a wide range of ways. You can continue to give self-reiki; you can expand from giving reiki to family and friends to starting up your own practise and give reiki in person or send reiki across distance and time.

Meditation remains very important, and we will learn ways to keep meditation as a part of your daily practise.


What does a Level 2 Reiki course include? 

Ethics – A reminder of the Precepts, the importance of informed consent, respect for individual needs, culture, sexuality, gender or gender identity. Identifying lineage and initiation, reiki as a spiritual practise, Reiki practitioners’ moral, legal and ethical obligations in the provision of Reiki practice.

About Symbols – The Power symbol, The symbol for Harmony, Emotional and Mental Healing and the Distance Healing and Connection symbol – What they are, when to use them and how to draw them

Remote Or Distance healing – How to do them

Reiki circles and shares – How to send reiki to groups of people, animals or situations

Reiki guides and angels – Your intentions and assistance available to you

Symbol meditation – Specific meditations for Reiki 2

Reiki Crystals – How to use crystals to boost your healing

Healing Attunements


Whether you plan to continue training in Reiki, or you just want to practise on yourself and friends, you will be supported from your first contact to make the training an enjoyable experience. We will gladly answer any questions that you have leading up to registration, provide you with information prior to the course commencement so that you can get the most out of the two days and you will receive follow up information and invitations to practise sessions.


Course Details

The course is held in tranquil Black Range at the foot of Gariwerd/Grampians allowing you to immerse yourself in nature bringing more enjoyment to your time with us.

The Level 1 Reiki Course commences at 9.00am Saturday and Sunday and aims to finish late afternoon both days. Please note, we cannot always finish on time, depending on how many students need Attunement.

Black Range is between Great Western and Stawell. It is just under 300 km from Melbourne: 75 km from Horsham, 200km from Geelong and just over 100km from Ballarat.

See the page on Our Region to see why driving up here is worthwhile and please let us know if you require accommodation and we will send you a list of accommodation in the region.

Whatever your future with Reiki holds, you will have a sound grounding to take you to the next level or to get the most out of Reiki for yourself and your family and friends.

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Please Note: Reiki and other energy healing methods are meant to be used as a complement to traditional care
or as a personal relaxation or stress reducing tool.
They are not a substitute for qualified medical or traditional care.