Reiki can help you with your creativity…
Find out how Reiki can help your business, studies, relationships with colleagues and more!
Find out how Reiki can help your business, studies, relationships with colleagues and more!
“Love is wholeness,
Wholeness is balance,
Balance is wellbeing,
wellbeing is freedom from disease”
Reiki’s founder, Usui Sensei
Love and kindness can be shown through compliments that are kind, specific, and sincere.
Negativity can be insidious, worming its way into our lives without our notice until it is prevalent. Reiki can help us to deflect negativity and promote positivity. Another good reason to learn self-Reiki - find a Reiki course near you.Heart Centred Reiki is in Stawell close to Horsham, Ararat, Halls Gap, Western Victoria.